Website Tips: Stale Content & Keeping Your Website Fresh
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In this video I will tell you why keeping your website content fresh is essential to more sales, so stay tuned.
Why is it so important to keep our website content fresh on our ecommerce website?
Well, we are all busy people, we get things set up and we are working on driving sales in the business. We can easily forget to notice that we haven’t changed the homepage banner for some time.
We look at our website and it’s out of date!
Sometimes when you working, squirrelling away at your site your busy working on the backend of the website and never look at the front end. It’s like owning a shop and coming in the back door and never checking the windows to make sure its fresh and up to date.
If you have out of date info on your website, it’s a big announcement to potential customers. It is saying: “We are all over the place and not organised so if you buy off us it will probably be the same.”
It is not inspiring confidence, not saying were on top of things here, if you can’t even be on top of your website content then how will we trust you with taking our money when we buy from you.
Make sure current stock is up to date, homepage banners, Facebook pages, news etc
Don’t you hate seeing sites that get designed with a news section and then it’s the same news as when they launched. If you’re not a news site, why do you have news on your ecommerce site? Not cool!
Let’s look at an example of a good website homepage and see if it’s as good as ours so that it will ultimately help us with ours…
Ok so firstly it really looks fresh and up-to-date and immediately I see a phone number I’ve mentioned that this is important in other videos. Also a discount code on their sale stuff to entice you if you’re a new shopper always good. A clear crisp background not distracting no moving images (it’s all about ease to the eye!)
Easy search functions, scrolling banner with what’s hot and easy way to sign up to stay up and stay in the loop!
People shopping right now (sense of urgency what are they looking at) I want in…. that’s really cool and off course it works perfectly on all hardware computer laptop tablet and phones.
This this is a very high end website which spending serious money and have a big team getting it all sorted so let’s take what is good and apply it to our business remember it’s not the idea in itself it’s the execution of the idea.
Now if your out of stock on an item either hide it from the site or have an easy way (one click) for people to ask to be advised when it comes back into stock.
In summary; keep it fresh so that people can trust you and buy knowing you’re not going to forget about them like you have your own website
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